All You Need to Know About Me Here....

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


So "THAT" time of year is upon me again. The time when I get the undeniable urge to clean and declutter my entire house. Yes, all of it, right down to the boxes of things we never EVER look at. I go through this cycle every year and never seem to get it done. I want to take care of it this year so I can fully focus on living the simpler life that I have been  yearning for. Having less stuff makes it easier to live in the moment. You don't worry so much about what needs to be done and can focus on what is now, in this very minute.

Living intentionally and simply has been a passion of mine for quite sometime. For years I rented places where all I could do was plant flower beds and maybe few plants in pots. Now that I am purchasing my parents old home on two lots, there is so much more I can and want to do to live frugally and intentionally.

The first step is to declutter the house and get rid of all the junk. We have so many things that we don't use taking up space. Old shoes, an unused dog crate, boxes of papers and handed down items. It's time to clear these out, hold a garage sale and then donate the rest. Time for it all to go. I will feel better without all the chaos. 

So here is my plan of attack and some tips on getting it done.

1. Plan a specific day to start and put it on your calendar.
2. Make a plan on how to move through the house, where to start, which room comes next, etc.
3. Don't expect to finish it all in one day.
4. Take the decluttering in small bites - one room, closet, dresser or drawer at a time.
5. Make rules on what can be kept. Mine include a) is it necessary b) is it useful c) is it sentimental and d) is it beautiful. If an item can't measure up to the rules, it has to go.
6. For clothing, the rules differ slightly - a) does it fit well b) do you wear it c) is it flattering d) is it stained/ripped/does it need repair and can you do the repair?

My start day is today. I am working on my plan and when I get home, I'm attacking my dresser to clean out anything I don't wear or doesn't fit, and fixing anything that needs repair.

I hope this has inspired you to declutter your home (and life) as well. God's blessings my friends.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Around the House

Princess Pea and Izzy rocking out at the Confirmation Class Pancake Breakfast
Happy Monday Morning my Friends...

Homework for Pea
It was a quiet weekend here with not a lot going on. We are down to one vehicle right now and not sure how long before we get mine fixed or find Cookie Monster his own car. So things are tight and we haven't been going anywhere.  

Princess Pea had a retreat for her confirmation class last Friday and Saturday. She had a great time and got to me other kids from other churches....which she of course loved. She also has decided to run for one of the local festival courts as the Junior Miss. We will see how that goes. I guess trying out can't hurt...just not sure how I can afford to add this to all her other stuff.

I did get a new job though, hopefully starting next Monday (I haven't heard for sure as they are waiting on my drug test). It will be a huge raise and better benefits, but of course more responsibility. This leads to even more stress and anxiety on my part. But it is needed and I will settle in eventually.

Miss Addie
My Sister-in-Law brought Baby Adelia by on Saturday and I got to play and snuggle her! She really is such a sweetie and so happy!

Honey's new hobby - Wood carving/chipping
Today Princess Pea has her solo and ensemble and then off to dance class. Things will start to pick up now as we head to the later part of the school year!

But for now, here are some pictures from around the house. Hoping I can get back to blogging soon!

Snuggly Sassy Cat
Homemade Chicken Gnocchi Soup
The Sunbeam found me
Repotting Plants
Snuggly Emmie
And Luna too...
Dreaming of Spring with my Homesteading Books


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Menu Making

Hi Friends...things are slowly returning to normal in my world and I am feeling a bit better yet.

Today I am working on my menus for the upcoming month or 2. I normally try to do them toward the end of the month for the month after, but with being down since Christmas and financially not being able to do a "big" shopping trip, I have just been making do with what we have. Thank goodness for Honey and his imaginative cooking brain!

I had a bit of a surprise influx of money and my tax refund should be here soon, so I'm planning ahead (finally). Do any of you have a menu or meal plan? I like to do a month at a time so I can plan meals around our schedule and I don't have to think about what's for dinner in a hurry.

I start with my calendar and my Meal Planner. I jot down everything we have going on for the week on the appropriate day on the meal planner. This way, I know if I will need a quick meal or can spend more time in the kitchen or maybe a crockpot meal. It really helps!
 After I have added all the weekly events to the meal planner, I decide what kind of meal I will need to make for each day and write it down Then I write down all the ingredients I will be needing on the "Shopping List" on the left hand side.  I may not have to buy each and every ingredient, but I do need to know what I need. How much time I can spend on prep, do we have an activity that evening, will kids be home or will it be just Honey and I?  Everything plays a part in how I decide what to make for the day.
I keep a list of "favorite meals" handy so I don't have to stress too much and they come in handy on those nights where I forget to take out what I need for that night's meal. They are old favorites that my kids love and some of them are easy peasy like Mac and Cheese, Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. I make sure to throw a few of these in each week, but I also try to make a few new meals too.
I have a file folder that I keep new recipes in. These are not the tried and true favorites, but ones I've clipped from magazines or printed from the web that I want to try. If I choose one for the week, I staple it to the back of the meal plan so it is handy.
When I am listing the ingredients on the right side of the meal plan, I make sure to list any spices, oils, butter, etc. that the recipe calls for or that I may need for the meal. It ensures that I won't forget to check for it when I compare the meal plan with my pantry.

I also think about what sort of sweet treats or desserts I would like to make for the week and add those to the menu plan as well, along with the ingredients.

Once I have meals assigned to each day, the shopping list complete and the recipes stapled, I do an inventory and compare the shopping list to what I have in my cupboards. I mark off the list or circle what I need. Then I add what I need to the shopping list.

I will talk about actually doing the shopping later (coupons and such you know...). But for now, I have a month of meal ideas and it is all organized and easy to use.

I hope this helps some of you who struggle with meal planning. I know that it helps at our place! :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Dig Out and Moving Up

Hello Sweet Friends....
I am slowly attempting to return to blogging. I am slowing digging out of the depths of darkness and am moving up toward the sunshine. I am looking at the little things in life and appreciating them more and more. I am finding new reasons to smile and find hope. Soon all will be right in my world once again and I will back to being the bubbly bright eyed friend you know and miss... :)
In the meantime, here are some images from my world that I am truly cherishing right now...
Glowing Candlelight...

Princess Pea hacking my phone and leaving me this beautiful picture

Later sunsets and earlier sunrises...

Sweet little crafts to make...

Adorable babies to love on....

Snuggly puppies....
and more snuggly puppies

Homemade Blueberry Crumble...
Temps late last week....

Temps on Saturday!!

All in all, things are looking up. It's already February 9...meaning soon it will be time to plant tomatoes and peppers inside for transplanting later! Spring will be here before we know it and then moods will definitely improve. In my opinion, spring always brings hope...
Take care my beloved friends.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Trying Times

Hello Friends -It's been a trying week at our place. Lots of roadblocks and speed bumps to face and overcome. Stress, anxiety, PTSD and depression are constant companions to our family right now and there are times when it hits full force, slowing us down to the point of stopping. Somehow we continue to slog on and make it through but it takes a lot out of us.

I'm lucky to have many family and friends to support me and mine through these times. They come to my defense and to my side when I need them most and I will eternally be grateful. I find grace in God's love and in His Word, along with the uplifting words found in certain places on the internet.

Things will get better, and I will make it through...we all will. It takes time, faith and determination, all of which can hide deep inside, waiting for you to realize they are there, dig them out, dust them off and put them into use. Some days they are more readily available, others not so much. Some days it is easy to get out of bed, others there is no chance. But I am being kind to myself and with others and I look for understanding and grace in all situations.

Please be gentle with me as I face these trying times, and understand that I will be back full force soon, if God wills...


Friday, January 16, 2015

Family Roots

4 Generations have graduated from our high school
Holey Family about 1942
The town I live in is full of my family history. We may not be the "big name" in town, or have all the money, or know the right people, but my family has been here for 5 generations (or more). I have relatives buried in nearly every cemetery in the area and you can hardly turn a corner without a family story being told. "So and so lived there..." "Remember when we....".  My children are the fourth generation to graduate from our high school.

Several years before my Mama passed away, she and her sister came to me and asked for computer help to search for a long lost relative. It was when Google was just starting and they weren't sure how to use it. We typed in some information and soon we were going back generations!

Martin and Maria Smeby Family
Now, granted, this particular branch of our family tree is large, prestigious on the East Coast and nobility in Scotland, ensuring there are many records and a proliferation of information. I was able to trace my maternal grandfather's family (on both his mother and father's side) back many generations and found many stories of notable and notorious relatives, including a pirate, noblemen, soldiers, and even a Vice President.

Family Stories
I have relatives who are helping me do the same on my maternal grandmother's side. And my father's side is already done. It is amazing to hear the stories, to see the pictures, to piece together the lives of those that have gone before me. It gives me a sense of belonging, giving me a knowledge of who I am and where I came from!

Family Tree
There is something to be said for appreciating where your family comes from and thankfully I have been dubbed the Family Historian.  Relatives send me pictures, old letters, and stories. I have funeral cards, obituaries and birth notices.  I have copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates, wills, land titles and census records, all tracing my family back through the years.

And now, Princess Pea's social studies teacher has assigned a project creating a family tree. The more generations she can add, the more extra credit she can get. I told her she has an unfair advantage. She laughed and said "I know". She wants to ask her teacher if she can just bring in my books and binders instead of drawing it all out on a piece of tag board. We will figure something out I'm sure.

Princess' Project
In the meantime, we will put it on the tag board and squeeze in as many as we can. And I get the pleasure of teaching my beautiful daughter all about her heritage. I love to see her engaged and excited about this project. I love her asking the questions, her eyes lighting up to hear stories. Praying she will be the next family historian!

My Parents with their Grandchildren
3 Generations, My mom, Princess Pea, and me

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Planning the Garden!

Good morning Dear Friends...

It is another brisk morning in the valley! Actually the weatherman said it is the coldest morning temperature (without windchill) that we have had yet this winter. My Jeep registered -14 F on the way to work. So very glad there isn't any wind to go along with that!

- 14 - sure glad there is no wind today!

It's usually about this time of the year that I go into full planning mode. Planning the garden, planning projects for the year, organizing and cleaning and de-cluttering! I pull out the calendar, make lists, take inventory, and rewrite budgets. It's a new year filled with hope and promise!

Burpee's Calendar
Today is focused on the gardens! I found an awesome planning calendar over at Burpee's Website that tells you specifically when to plant or transplant in relation to first and last average frost for a specific growing zone. This is especially helpful for newer gardeners like me and not only includes vegetables but herbs, fruits, and flowers. 
Garden Calendar
So I printed off a copy of the full year (one month per page) and using the calendar noted when to plant each specific item I want in my garden this year. There are a few items missing (most notably potatoes) but for the most part I have covered everything we will need.

I have already ordered seed catalogs and am anxiously waiting for them to come in the mail! I love pouring over the different varieties of each vegetables, oohing and aahing over the beautiful colors of the flowers and wishing I could buy everything all at once instead of spreading it over the years. Someday I will have the gardens, orchards and berry patches that I want and need to support my family.

The next step will to measure the gardens, decide where, if possible, we can expand, and then map where everything will go. We have several gardens around the yard, some raised, some not, that we plant in. There are many projects that need to be done to get everything in that I want, and it may take a few years, but will get there.

More Entries.
We have segregated the berries from the rest of the garden. Last year we didn't have much luck with them. Both the Blueberry bushes we planted failed but both Raspberries took. I would like to add more raspberries to the patch and then we will need to put up netting to keep out the birds. That will require braces and such to hold it.

The trellis currently has clematis on it but I would like to replace that with grape vines. I know my parents used to grow concord grapes and make their own juice and jelly from them. I want to get there again.

The apple tree needs to be pruned. We had a huge harvest last year. Largest one my dad had seen in all the years of owning the property. I would like to get another tree in this year too.

Last Year's Gardening Start!
The strawberries are in a great spot, but only receive sunlight on part of the patch. I used old pallets to create my strawberry patch. I stapled gardening fabric to the back of the pallets, flipped them over and filled with soil. It works great! My plants really took off and we had a lot of berries (if we can keep the squirrels and birds out of them). The pallets need to be moved (there are only 2) so that they all receive the sunlight. I have the perfect place for them, but it requires moving a small wood pile and some other things and then actually moving the pallets. I also want to expand this area by adding about 6 more pallets! Of course we will need to add the netting here too.

Strawberries in a Pallet
The herb garden did well last year, right outside the back door. I will need to add some organic mixture this year and till it in good. I will be adding a few more to the garden this year!

Oh, I can't wait to start my garden! We will be planting our tomatoes and peppers inside so they will be ready to go come summer! I still have some research to do on other things, and we will have to make arrangements for the vegetable garden to be tilled, but all in all it's a great start! I can't WAIT for summer! :)