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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Menu Making

Hi Friends...things are slowly returning to normal in my world and I am feeling a bit better yet.

Today I am working on my menus for the upcoming month or 2. I normally try to do them toward the end of the month for the month after, but with being down since Christmas and financially not being able to do a "big" shopping trip, I have just been making do with what we have. Thank goodness for Honey and his imaginative cooking brain!

I had a bit of a surprise influx of money and my tax refund should be here soon, so I'm planning ahead (finally). Do any of you have a menu or meal plan? I like to do a month at a time so I can plan meals around our schedule and I don't have to think about what's for dinner in a hurry.

I start with my calendar and my Meal Planner. I jot down everything we have going on for the week on the appropriate day on the meal planner. This way, I know if I will need a quick meal or can spend more time in the kitchen or maybe a crockpot meal. It really helps!
 After I have added all the weekly events to the meal planner, I decide what kind of meal I will need to make for each day and write it down Then I write down all the ingredients I will be needing on the "Shopping List" on the left hand side.  I may not have to buy each and every ingredient, but I do need to know what I need. How much time I can spend on prep, do we have an activity that evening, will kids be home or will it be just Honey and I?  Everything plays a part in how I decide what to make for the day.
I keep a list of "favorite meals" handy so I don't have to stress too much and they come in handy on those nights where I forget to take out what I need for that night's meal. They are old favorites that my kids love and some of them are easy peasy like Mac and Cheese, Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. I make sure to throw a few of these in each week, but I also try to make a few new meals too.
I have a file folder that I keep new recipes in. These are not the tried and true favorites, but ones I've clipped from magazines or printed from the web that I want to try. If I choose one for the week, I staple it to the back of the meal plan so it is handy.
When I am listing the ingredients on the right side of the meal plan, I make sure to list any spices, oils, butter, etc. that the recipe calls for or that I may need for the meal. It ensures that I won't forget to check for it when I compare the meal plan with my pantry.

I also think about what sort of sweet treats or desserts I would like to make for the week and add those to the menu plan as well, along with the ingredients.

Once I have meals assigned to each day, the shopping list complete and the recipes stapled, I do an inventory and compare the shopping list to what I have in my cupboards. I mark off the list or circle what I need. Then I add what I need to the shopping list.

I will talk about actually doing the shopping later (coupons and such you know...). But for now, I have a month of meal ideas and it is all organized and easy to use.

I hope this helps some of you who struggle with meal planning. I know that it helps at our place! :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Dig Out and Moving Up

Hello Sweet Friends....
I am slowly attempting to return to blogging. I am slowing digging out of the depths of darkness and am moving up toward the sunshine. I am looking at the little things in life and appreciating them more and more. I am finding new reasons to smile and find hope. Soon all will be right in my world once again and I will back to being the bubbly bright eyed friend you know and miss... :)
In the meantime, here are some images from my world that I am truly cherishing right now...
Glowing Candlelight...

Princess Pea hacking my phone and leaving me this beautiful picture

Later sunsets and earlier sunrises...

Sweet little crafts to make...

Adorable babies to love on....

Snuggly puppies....
and more snuggly puppies

Homemade Blueberry Crumble...
Temps late last week....

Temps on Saturday!!

All in all, things are looking up. It's already February 9...meaning soon it will be time to plant tomatoes and peppers inside for transplanting later! Spring will be here before we know it and then moods will definitely improve. In my opinion, spring always brings hope...
Take care my beloved friends.