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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It finally hit me....

So, I know that I am not the best steward of my money. It seems that no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get things under control. Yes, we have everything we need, and many things we want, but it seems like I am always broke and my savings account is dry. I have been doing everything I can to remedy this and I am determined to conquer this!  I want my vehicle paid off, I want to buy a house, take a vacation, have an emergency fund. I just haven't been able to make it happen.

Well, I made a startling discovery this morning!  Its been 41 years in the making and many of you may say "DUH!" when I tell you but was a light bulb moment for me. While this discovery is something I knew and have known for many many years, I think that it just took its time sinking into my hard headed brain and I finally just got it!

I discovered this website through a friend of mine the other day. This person is going through their own financial crisis and has taken up with one of them there financial planner type people. The financial planner gave them this website and they passed it along to me.

This website is fantastic. You can take all your accounts, checking, savings, loans, credit cards, all of it and hook them all together to see what you are spending! You can also make up a budget and the website will take the accounts you have entered and apply them to your budget and track where your money is going. It also sends you emails when you go over budget in any category! How fantastic is that!

Well, I sat and entered all my information last night and as I was looking at my budget, compared to what I spent I was AMAZED! I could see EXACTLY where my money was going and when I realized how much I could be saving by NOT going to those places or buying those things, I could have died!

Then it hit me....just because you HAVE the money, doesn't mean you have to SPEND the money!

There it is, the big revelation that took 41 years to sink in! Like I said, kind of a "DUH" moment, but it really, REALLY hit me hard! So, now that I know where my money is going, the next step it to alter my life accordingly.

Because we are near the end of the month, I have declared March a No-Spending Month, just like my new friend Sharon has for February...check it out here. If it is not on the budget, I will not be spending it. I need to see if I can live on my budget so that I can make the necessary alterations to my life so I can live more within my means and live simply and meet my goals. I have budgeted for things like Dance Lessons, a Book at B & N and money for my Son's activities, along with the regular household bills so that no one feels deprived, but nothing excessive or over the top. I will take the month of March to stick to the budget, to see if it is feasible, to see if I can live with it and within it. After that I will revise what needs to be revised...

So, now, what have I learned? Don't spend money just because you have it.

My goal, to see how much I can have left over at the end of March from my income! Wanna join me????

What I am Thankful For: 
Kids back to school
Friends who care
Kisses from my kids
Having a decent job

Who I am Praying For: 
Myself as I struggle
My children that they Lord Bless them and Keep them
My family and friends
My Ex-Husband that someday he may see the light


  1. Let's try this again. I thought that the blog was lovely before...but I love and adore the new design. It's so happy, and cheery and springlike. And pink! Now all I need is for you to post something new!!!
    I love you dear.

  2. You are so right! And there is so many people who never figure out that their spending depends upon them. Wishing you well in your endeavor to be a wise steward!


God's many blessings on you!