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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Looking Toward Spring

Whew...its class, the one that has been bedeviling me for weeks is over! I can take a deep breath, stretch, rub the tension from my shoulders and finally, excitedly, look toward spring. I am anticipating the new green grass, the warm breezes through open windows and the scent of flowers on the air.

Lately there is something in me calling me back to a life of simplicity. Pare down, appreciate what I have, acquire less material goods, spend more quality time with friends and family, get back to a time when those things were valued.

I go through this many times a year.

In fall the harvest calls me, supplying for my family and putting up canning, firewood, whatever...My soul seems to long for these things. In winter I turn to my hand crafts, quilting, knitting, and to the home arts, laundry, homemaking, etc. And now, in springtime, my heart turns toward thoughts of a garden, clothes hanging on the line, flowers from my garden sitting in a pretty vase on my counter.

Now, here is the hard part. I live in a trailer, in a trailer court, in town. I do not own my own trailer and am not supposed to put anything into the ground that can't go with me when I move. I have lived here for nearly 7 years and don't really plan on leaving unless I win the lottery.

How can I reconcile what my heart is telling me, what my soul is longing for when realistically, there is not a think I can do. I keep trying, deepening my pantry when I can, putting in a few flowers, but it isn't the life or lifestyle I want and it is so hard to keep putting it off...I need to come up with a plan....

My first step, pay off debt and figure out a few ways to incorporate simplicity into my life...

Today, I finished the baby quilt I am making for a dear cousin...its a first step...

Well, its off to bed...I'm sorry this wasn't a deep or meaningful entry, but it is where my heart is right now.

Who/What I am Praying For:
That the Lord leads me in the direction I am to go and that He provides the time and resources I need to get there
My children
Those near and dear who are near and far

What I am Thankful For Today:
A houseful of teenagers, they are here, where I know where they are, what they are doing and who they are with!
The gift of quilting ability
Loving Cats
French braiding my daughters hair (and having her ask me to)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on this. The different seasons bring different desires, but usually we can only fulfill a little bit of those desires. We're live in a suburb, but have 1/4 acre, so we're able to grow a little bit, but we're also in the desert so we have to consider the water needs of anything we grow :-)

    Thank you so much for your prayers for my nephew. Our family has been so encouraged by all of the love and support.


God's many blessings on you!