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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Addiction

OK, so I have to 'fess up to my latest addiction.....Pintrest....I wasn't going to go there...I really wasn't. I don't have time for purusing the web, looking at all these adorable crafts / home decorations / photography ideas floating out there for anyone to see. I'm moving, I'm painting, I'm packing, I'm working, kids are going back to school and so is Honey. I don't have TIME for this, BUT....

I have found the absolute sweetest / cutest /adorable-est ideas for the new house. I can't WAIT to get started! The best part is I will finally have the room to indulge in my passion to create / reuse / repurpose! I have a basement, a crafting space, a HUGE closet to store things in, a garage AND a shed! I can paint, repurpose furniture, scrapbook, sew, knit, crochet, bake, to my heart's content!

So, back to Pintrest, I have found the cutest furniture to make from other's cast offs and I am so excited because it is stuff I can do! When Dad moved out, he left some furniture behind for me, including chairs, a dresser, an old high chair, shelving units, picture frames, glass jars and an old wooden bed frame. Also, he gave my daughter my old bed and dresser (which are in much better condition than hers are) but that means I get to repurpose her old stuff! Look for some benches, ottomans, and other things coming soon! I am so incredibly excited!

I also found adorable aprons, curtains, and holiday decorating ideas that are perfect for my style! Ugh, so many projects running through my mind!! Can't wait to get settled so I can get started on some of these!

Have any of you been sucked in by Pintrest? How about Etsy? I haven't been on that site much but I am thinking of making some stuff and trying to sell it for some extra has it worked for you?

Better run here...lots to do!
May the Lord Bless you and Keep you this and every day!


1 comment:

  1. Pinterest. Time sucker. I wrote a whole blog about it myself. Oh..but don't get me wrong....I'm all up in there with a gagillion boards and zillions of plans. Just thought you should know. Good luck!
    See you on the Pinny side!!! <3.


God's many blessings on you!