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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prepping for Thanksgiving

Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving. A day we are supposed to take a moment to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. I try to live that way every day. I keep a Thankful Journal and number my gifts and blessings to remind me every day just how blessed I am.

However, because everyone else and the government has declared the 4th Thursday in November as a National Holiday called Thanksgiving, we are preparing to gather with our family and friends in celebration.

Tonight all the boys are home. Cookie has to guy friends who have pretty much been adopted into the family, Mike and Luke. They are both here and downstairs with Cookie playing video games. Of course getting pictures of them is nearly impossible, but the laughter and yelling coming through the floors is a welcome sound. Mike is here most nights but Luke is away at college. This is only the second break since August.

Princess Pea helped me prepare for tomorrow. I am always trying to learn more homesteading and survival skills and cooking from scratch is one of them. This year I took on the daunting effort of learning to make pies, with homemade pie crusts! My boss at work makes a lot of pies so she gave me her tips on how to make the crusts.

Princess Pea and I decided on one cherry and one pumpkin. Here are the fruits of our labors!

A Two-Crust Pie! 

Flour for Rolling

My First Crust! Fit Perfectly

A Lattice Topped Cherry Pie ready for the Oven

Princess Pea getting the pumpin ready for the pie pan! 

Helping the Pea with the Pumpkin!

Me in my Apron!

Princess Pea Cracking an Egg with one Hand! Talented! 

Pumpkin Pie ready for the oven

My Beautiful Princess Pea

Nearly Perfect! 

All Done

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours! 

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God's many blessings on you!