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Friday, April 1, 2011

Finally Friday....decisions, decisons!

Hello Dear Friends!!

I am so glad to see you!  Thanks for stopping by for a visit! I hope you are all well and happy! We are fighting colds and ear infections at our house, so I was hoping for a few days of warm sunny weather where I could open the windows and get some fresh air into the house! But alas, Mother Nature has other plans! We woke this morning to a light snowstorm. The flakes were big and fluffy and it was simply beautiful as I looked out the window! While it was enchanting to look at, it is the first of April and I can honestly say that I am glad to know that it truly won't last long! In fact its lunch time, and much of it is already gone.

Well, its here...that day of the week we all look forward to........FRIDAY!! Its the day that makes me want to jump up and down, dance around and smile all day long! Most people are happy with Friday simple because it is the end of the work week and signals the start of two days of relaxation (or catching up on chores and errands), but for me, Friday holds another meaning altogether! Friday is the day that I finally get to see my Honey after a long difficult week!

It means that I get to be snuggled, cuddled, kissed and held. I get meals made for me (he is a fantastic cook) and I get pampered a bit! Some would say I am spoiled, I say I am just well taken care of. ;-) My Honey adores me (as I do him) and treats me as a princess when we are together.

Lately that time together has been infringed on by many outside forces, limiting us to see each other only every other weekend instead of every weekend, so each minute we have together is precious. That is why making the decision to go see him or stay at home this weekend even is even more difficult!

You see, Honey hasn't been home in over a week. So this tells me that he has laundry to do, a house to clean and other chores to attend to. While these chores are necessary, if I go to his house, I will feel like I need to help with these chores (which, unfortunately doesn't happen when he comes to my house, at least not very often). If I wanted to do these types of household chores, I should stay home and attend to mine. They are screaming for my attention as well. Another thought on this, if I go to his house, many of his chores will not get done anyway. He will

Another factor in this decision is financial. We are both trying to reign in our spending and with the cost of gas these days, it will be a hit in my pocketbook. If I didn't have to take my kids to my EX it wouldn't be so bad, but I have to meet him 1 1/2 hours north of my house and my Honey lives 2 hours south of my house. If you do the math, that is nearly 5 hours of driving and all the gasoline that comes with it and then to do it again on Sunday. . I would be spending well over $100 just in gasoline for my Jeep. Like I said, if I didn't have to take the kids to their dads it would be ok.

One more thing that I need to take into consideration. I have been fighting off the "crud" for a few days. I feel like I could lay my head down and just sleep. My head is full, my nose is full, my chest is congested and I just want to crawl in bed. I should take these 2 days without kids and just rest so that I get better and so I don't give it to him.

So, those are all the reasons why I shouldn't about why I should.....He is my Honey and I love him and I want to see him and snuggle with him! I want to feel like I am not alone in this world or forgotten about. I want to see the love he has for me shining in his eyes....Our time together is limited already, why should I limit it even further?

So, any ideas what I should do? I have a bag packed and in the car, I will probably make up my mind when I am on the way back from dropping off my kids, right around the exit where I turn to go home or keep going straight to the arms of my Honey....

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're feeling better soon, and you were able to enjoy your weekend!
    Thank you for your prayers for Jordan :-)


God's many blessings on you!