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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time...What a Gift!

Hello Dear Readers, I am so sorry I have gone and left you in the lurch for  quite some time now! Life has gotten so busy and I don't expect that to stop any time soon. The end of the school year leaves much to be desired. There are always contests, track meets, concerts, parades, and dance recitals. Not to mention graduations and the parties that need attending..

Today I am left wondering where the time goes. Indeed, it seems like just yesterday that my wonderful darling children were mere tots, following along behind me, copying everything I did. There were diapers to change, books to read, babies to rock and boo boos to kiss. There were finger smudges on everything, toys strewn on the floor and chocolate faced kisses. There was wonder and excitement about being alive and the enormous thrill of discovering everything. And it all seems like just yesterday....Where did all that go? How did I lose that in the midst of what can best be described as LIFE?

 Earlier today, I was looking at my calendar and  found myself amazed that my oldest child, my firstborn, will end his sophomore year of high school in a matter of mere weeks. And in between now and then, just to make the time go faster, we have no less than 5 track meets, 1 band concert, 2 proms (his girl goes to another school), 1 parade, State Solo and Ensemble contest, Fine Arts Banquet, Commencement ceremony for his cousin and friends, and all the graduation parties that come with that.

Add to that my daughters' schedule of 2 concerts, 5 dance practices, 1 dress rehearsal, 1 dance recital, 1 girl scout picnic and a princess coronation

And  my schedule, with 2 weddings and several graduation parties and well,  you get the idea! 

All of this leaves me wondering, why do we shove so many activities into our lives. When do we slow down and appreciate today, this very minute. How can we hold onto time as it slips so easily and quickly through our fingers?

In Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, she states that the answer to slowing down time is Gratitude. Thanking God for all the small gifts in our lives that He bestows on us. Ann says that if we take the time to live fully in the moment, in the here and now, gratefully experiencing what is happening with an open heart, time will slow, just for a moment, and I think she is right....

So, I plan on tackling my busy schedule with a grateful heart, knowing that each moment will be a precious memory later in life and that maybe, just maybe if I jump in with both feet and savor every moment, time will slow...just for a moment!

God's Blessings on you my Dear Friends...

Who/What I am Praying For:
My Children, that God holds them in His hand
Jordan, Nicholas and all other military members injured serving their country
My friend suffering from depression as they battle the darkness yet again.
My cousin as she looks forward to her first child, any day now!
My friends who I know would drop everything when I need it
My family, I love you all dearly,

What I am Thankful For:
Red-winged Blackbirds - a sign of Spring here in Wisconsin
Awesome children
Friends who come to my rescue when needed
Little signs of hope
Pre-made dinners!
Family who step in and treat my children as their own.

1 comment:

God's many blessings on you!