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Friday, April 8, 2011

When Friday turns into Monday...

Hello Dear Friends...

What do ya'll do when your Friday, the day that you look forward to most out of the whole week turns into a Monday? Not physically turns into Monday of course, but starts to have all the characteristics that are usually attributed to Monday, everyone seems to be crabby, seems like everything goes wrong, you don't want to get up, etc...

Well, unfortunately, that is how my day has started and is now continuing. It definitely feels like that guy Murphy is around here somewhere playing his awful tricks. Honey woke up late and in a questionable mood, computer acting weird at work, bad news for Honey that will potentially keep us apart for the weekend, Cookie Monster hurt his hip in track last night, Princess Pea is having difficulties with friends at school, worry about Honey's job come Monday if the Govt shuts down

My goodness, my list could go on and on and on.....Thank goodness I know that I have help on days like today!

We can be sure when we say "I will not be afraid,
because the Lord is my helper." Hebrews 13:6 NCV

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield
Psalm 33:20 NKJV

Someone walks beside me, guiding my footsteps, clearing the way for me to go. I can't imagine what I would be going through if God didn't go first....I imagine my life to be this incredibly dense forest, with trees and bushes and vines and brambles covering every inch.There is no way over, around or under. The only way is to go through, but there is no path. Imagine how difficult it would be to move forward and how much you must struggle to take even one step. Then I imagine that God goes before me, he cuts through the roughage with his scythe and ax, making a path for me to follow. He clears a way through the forest. It still may not be easy, it still may entail thorns, rocky ground and progress may be slow, but it is far easier to move through life with God going before making a path.

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
"This is the way, walk in it,"
whenever you turn to the right hand 
or whenever you turn to the left
Isaiah 30:21 NKJV

The Lord your God will lead you and
protect you on every side
Isaiah 52:12 GNT

Everyday I ask Him to guide me, to go before me, blazing a path for my footsteps to follow. On days like today, when Friday turns into Monday, I just have to remember to keep asking him and keep following his path.

Watch for His footsteps, they are there if you look hard enough...

God Bless each and every one of you...

Who/What I am Praying For:
Myself, that I search for Gods' footsteps with an open heart and follow them diligently
My Children, that He guide their steps as well
Honey and his children as they search for their own path through a very dense forest right now
Jordan that his recover continue
My brother as he goes through one of the roughest journey of his life
Family and Friends, far and wide

What I am Thankful For:
The promise of spring thunderstorms this weekend
A shopping spree at the fabric store with my sis-in-law, niece and Princess Pea (pictures to come soon I hope)
Unexpected dinner with my adored oldest brother
A close relationship with my family

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Jordan and for including him in this post. I understand that Murphy's Law thing...that's my last name :-) We spell it differently though.
    Hope your Monday (tomorrow) goes a bit better :-)


God's many blessings on you!